A glimpse of my world- opinions, advice, creativity, with just a pinch of chaos.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Studyn' and how to do it Right.

Exams. Finals. Tests. yuck. If these words don't make you instantly hunch up your shoulders and feel that unwelcome suffocating feeling of stress, then I bow to you. For most of us however these words only bring unpleasantness and pain. Here are some of my personal tips to get through the preparation:

Dance Breaks. You've been reading that textbook for almost an hour and your eyesight has begun to blur. stop. go set the kitchen timer for 5 min, pull out your i-pod and hit play on your dance playlist (if you don't have a dance playlist I suggest you get to it). No one is watching you so feel free to shake it out, try those contemporary moves and get funky. Even a little bit of activity can help to relax your mind and prime it for soaking in more info.

Paint your nails. Sounds silly, but having one simple task to focus on for a little while can actually help you to focus and get you back on track. So crack open the nail polish, sit outside for a little fresh air and apply that new mint you've been dying to try. Not only do you get fresh nails, but you also feel more ready to get back to studying.

Writing, Reading, or Speaking?. Figure out what works for you. For me, I have to take notes, make study packages and write things down for it to solidify. Maybe it's reading through the chapters, or saying it out loud that will help you remember, but try different methods and find out which works best. trust me- it'll pay off.

Use what you got. Most textbooks will give you reading checks, or forms of mini quizzes or review. It might be a pain in the butt, but those are designed to test what you know and help you to apply the information. And similar questions may be on your test or exam. You can also ask your teacher or professor if there are any online quizzes or mock tests so you can see the kinds of questions you will be asked.

Space it Out. Alright, I'm kind of a hypocrite. I am infamous for cram studying the night before a test, and usually it turns out ok, but not always. The couple of times I've planned in advance, I feel much more confident going into a test, and therefore feeling less stressed and often get done faster. So spread it out. Do 10-20 min. of material a night. You can set your timer, and that way, you will end up remembering a lot more that what you try to stuff into your brain the night before. It also won't feel like so much to do or try to review because you've taken a little bit at a time.

Have a good Space. I always find I study better when I'm in a clean room. I like to tidy up before I start studying,  I make sure that I have lots of space to spread my books out, everything I need so I don't have an excuse to try to look for stuff just to get away from the books, and that I'm comfy. That goes for what your wearing too. I like to change into comfy sweats and a loose t-shirt, and pull my hair back with a headband. When I feel prepared and in a good space, studying feels easier too.

Take snack Breaks. Have some little snacks prepared, like a bowl of popcorn, pretzels, a nectarine or peach and some juice. Eating healthy (but still yummy) helps you feel more awake, where as eating lots of junk can make you feel sluggish and tired. So stop studying occasionally to get some grub and enjoy some free reading. But make sure to time yourself so you don't accidentally spend an hour eating and reading.

Powernaps. Some people can and some people can't. but if you can, set an alarm for 20 min and put your head down. Even just closing your eyes can leave you feeling more rested, even if you don't fall asleep.

Good luck amigos. and may the force of learning be with you.

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